Episode 402

Basic Training the Workout 400 Series

24 mins 1991
1 2 3 4 5
5 | 18 ratings
Seasons: 43

Ada and her basic training team are joined by a Coast Guard team on the Cutter Washington at Pearl Harbor.


Watch Sample

Workout Details
Synopsis Ada and her basic training team are joined by a Coast Guard team on the Cutter Washington at Pearl Harbor.

Warm Up - 5:00
A fun warm up joined by the coast guard personnel on their ship.

Cardio - 5:30
All low impact moves to get your heart rate up and help you burn fat!

Strength - 8:00
Todays workout focuses on the shoulder muscles working them in 3 different positions as well as on the triceps muscles and the quadriceps muscles to strengthen the thighs, then in a supine position we work the chest muscles in 3 different positions with light weights. We finish the strength segment with an intense short abs routine.

Cool down - 5:00
Cool down done in mostly a seated position on the floor to help open up the inner thighs and stretch the lower back.
Athletes Ada
Studio Gilad Productions Ltd.
Rating not rated
Runtime 24 mins
Language English | Stereo
Stream SD | 720x540